Log in with your account and follow the prompts. If you don’t have your iPhone handy, you can also delete Snapchat by heading to its delete account page here. Here’s how the process looks: Delete Snapchat from the web
If you’re ready to part ways with Snapchat, the service makes it easy to do with an option to delete your account right in the iOS app’s settings. Snapchat users are furious over recent My AI update, flooding the App Store with 1-star reviews.

Update 4/28/23: Many users have been upset over Snapchat’s My AI including that you have to be a paying subscriber to turn the feature off: We’ll also dig into how long you can have your account temporarily deactivated before it’s permanently deleted.
#Delete my story snapchat 2015 how to
Whether you’re ready to fully ghost the platform or deactivate your account for a bit, follow along for how to delete Snapchat on iPhone.